Dynamic Employee and Labor Relations Specialist with a proven track record within the federal workforce. Expert in negotiation and conflict resolution, fostering positive workplace environments. Successfully streamlined grievance procedures, enhancing trust and efficiency. Strong leadership and communication skills, dedicated to promoting diversity and inclusion while ensuring compliance with labor laws.
As an employee and labor relations specialist for Region 3, I provide authoritative advisory service to management, including matters requiring management to address inappropriate conduct, unsatisfactory performance and adverse actions, performance, grievance (administrative and negotiated) unfair labor practice charges and interpretation of labor contracts.
- I assist supervisors, managers and employees in identifying and resolving problems which arise out of or affect work conditions or performance, or situations which may infringe on employee or management rights, including employee conduct, performance appraisals, leave and hours of work, outside employment, and similar employee relations problems.
- I prepare for management officials memorandums and or letters proposing or deciding adverse or disciplinary actions; advising employees of unacceptable performance or leave practices, grievance responses, and unfair labor practices responses. In preparing these documents, I provide expert knowledge on appeals and procedural rights, guidance on avoiding due process violations and potential vulnerabilities for third party reviews, affirmations and reversals.
- I served as first line supervisor for employees of the Remittance and Accounting Unit (RAU) of the Debt Management section. The RAU is responsible for processing and deposition all remittances received for the Social Security Administration.
- I regularly discussed work performance, conduct meetings with employees supervised and prepares written summaries when required. I evaluated employee performance and prepares initial discussions, mid-year evaluations and Year-end formal appraisals. I Recommended employees for honor awards and cash incentive awards for performance.
- I ensured employees are familiar with and understand personnel policies that directly affect them such as: the merit promotion plan, performance standards, rating procedures, standards of conduct, policy for Personally Identifiable Information (PII), systems sanctions policies, and proper use of government equipment.
- I participated in the formulation of management and operational policy related to the processing of backlog RAU workload resulting from the Coronavirus Pandemic. I also provided feedback to the section chief and deputy section chief on priority workload status and personnel situations.
I prepared and delivered Benefit Authorizer National training packet to newly hired SSA employees. Prepared job aids, and relevant examples and solutions. As necessary, modify national packet to reflect current or local practices and procedures.
- I created instructor lesson plans, outlines and additional learning aids to measure comprehension and success of the students.
- I used a wide variety of teaching methods and tools.
- I effectuated the most complex initial entitlement of retirement, disability and survivor benefits after careful consideration of incoming awards provided by Field Office and Program Service Center Claims Authorizers. Take required taken via the Manual Adjustment Credit and Award Data Entry (MACADE) system. If additional information is required to process initial entitlement, refer to the appropriate function.
- I made benefit determinations in accordance of the Social Security Act based on such factors as the benefit type, family composition, dates of entitlement, periods of prior or non-entitlement and the age at the time of entitlement.